Using trees to make use of empty spaces and add depth
IIn areas with a lot of forage, we always see a lot of bushes and dense growth. When it comes to Sims 3 CAW we are not blessed with many option for adding bushes. Adding A ton of Buckthorn or Boxwood doesnt always look very nice. We can instead use various trees to create bushes of various sizes. This method can be time consuming, but I will show you a couple ways to possibly make it a little easier.

Here I wanted some dense forage against these trees along a small hill. See how they are all the exact same and look manicured? This would not happen in nature.

I chose the Blackgum tree because it matched the boxwood. All i did was sink them into the ground at various heights. You do have to do this one by one. Unless you group the trees and then move them, but they will sink at the same height depending on their elevation (flat or hills)

I used a magnolia tree to create some flowery bushes alongside a road. Can work for CAW gardens too! DISCLAIMER (Those of you who have seasons, the trees will still lose their leaves, so be aware. I haven't really tested this method in-game, so let me know if any issues come about. )

Here I wanted some dense forage against these trees along a small hill. See how they are all the exact same and look manicured? This would not happen in nature.